Saturday, March 28, 2009

Week 4, Masking

In this weeks exercise i found it very worthwhile, having never learnt about masking in after effects i was very excited to have the chance to use the new masking tool.

The area i chose to do an identity for was the beach, i love going to the beach and i thought it would hold a lot of different options for animating. I wanted to diliver the message that the beach is for everyone, and that mostly everyone enjoys the beach and has fond memories there. That is why i came up with the catch line," The Beach, The life!" This was ment to relate to the saying "This is the life", emplying that by going to the beach and enjoying yourself, was the life.

In my animation i used pictures of differnt people at the beach, an olderman, a woman holding a surf board, a middle aged man and a little boy finally at the end. I used people for different domographics to relay the message that the beach is for everyone. If i was to do this exercise again i would probably getting better pictures of the people, and a better picture of the beach, possibly a photo of the beaches horizen on the water, rather than on an angle.

I made the background picture of the beach black and white, because i like this effect and i feel it brings a lot of emphasis to the other pisctures of the people which are in colour.

The animation i put together was rather simple, and i felt it was a little boring, although it used all the masking techniques that i had been taught, i still felt it was missing something. Over all how ever i found this exercise very usefull, and great practice in using the usefull masking tool which will be very usefull for my animation assignment.

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